Irlandzkie Stowarzyszenie Psychologów Analitycznych - seminaria, wykłady 2013


Irlandzkie Stowarzyszenie Psychologów Analitycznych
Wykład publiczny:
The Gnostic Jung - Jungs religius writings from Seven Sermons to the Dead to Answer to Job
Prelegent: Bill Callanan
Termin: 8th March 2013 Start: 8pm
Miejsce: SYNGE Theatre, ‬Arts Block, ‬
TCD,‭ ‬Dublin‭ ‬2
Koszt: 15 Euro

In several of his writings Jung seems to abandon all appearance of scientific objectivity to adopt the role of an inspired prophet. This style is exemplified by Jung's Seven Sermons to the Dead, (which is itself an attempt to channel some of the material from The Red Book,) and his late, and perhaps most notorious work, Answer to Job with its questioning of the Divinity's superiority to humans consciousness.

What was the cultural background that lay behind Jung's novel, not to say blasphemous, approach?

Such writings have their closest parallel in the texts of Gnosticism – a loosely-knit group of sects that flourished from the 1st to 3rd centuries before being condemned as heretical by early Christianity. Through examining the background and context of the Gnostic sects, this talk will throw light on Jung's reasons for identifying with their world view and for adopting their mythological style of discourse.

Bill Callanan is an Analytical Psychotherapist, in private practice in Dublin. He is a founder member, and former Chair of the IAPA. He holds an M. Phil. in Psychoanalytic Studies from T.C.D., and the European Certificate of Psychotherapy. He has lectured widely on Carl Jung, including teaching at TCD, and The Dublin Business School.