Seminaria i wykłady

11.01.2014 - C. G. Jung Public Lectures, Bristol

11th January 2014
Jung, the Red Book and the Seven Sermons to the Dead: an exploration of opposites and the power of the embodied imagination.

Ian Rees

The talk will consider the healing capacity of the imagination when linked with the body and the senses. We will look at Jung's application of this approach in the Red Book and in particular consider how the Seven Sermons to the Dead provides a framework for working with opposites and a guide to the process of individuation. We will contrast the mythic locations of Jerusalem – the place of given revelation with that of Alexandria – the City where the East touches the West. We will work briefly with a method of linking together the senses with the creative imagination.

Wykłady w Londynie 2013 - Spirit of the Times, Spirit of the Depths

The theme of the lecture programme this year, Spirit of the Times, Spirit of the Depths arises from Jung's Liber Novus, known as the Red Book, in which Jung details his own individuation process through encounters with aspects of his psyche. How we negotiate the conflict and work towards balancing the Spirit of the Times, characterised by use and value, with the Spirit of the Depths leading to the Soul is, Jung believes, the essence of individuation, and a journey which demands the recovery of the mythopeic imagination.
